postfix 參數研究、記錄
[分享]postfix 參數研究、記錄
$ postconf -d
# The default_destination_concurrency_limit parameter specifies a
# default limit on the number of parallel deliveries to the same
# destination. This is the default limit for delivery via SMTP, via
# the local delivery agent and via the pipe mailer.
default_destination_concurrency_limit = 100
# The default_destination_recipient_limit parameter specifies a
# default limit on the number of recipients per message delivery.
# This is the default limit for delivery via SMTP, via the local
# delivery agent and via the pipe mailer.
default_destination_recipient_limit = 6000
## 對於無法寄出的信件,重新嘗試再寄信的間隔時間
# The maximal_backoff_time parameter specifies the maximal time
# between attempts to deliver a deferred message.
# Time units: s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours), d (days), w (weeks).
# The default time unit is s (seconds).
##maximal_backoff_time = 4000s
maximal_backoff_time = 2000s
## 一封無法寄出的信件在 Mail Server 中 queue 的最長時間
## 如無法送出則退回給寄件者
# The maximal_queue_lifetime parameter specifies the maximal time
# a message is queued before it is sent back as undeliverable.
# Time units: s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours), d (days), w (weeks).
# The default time unit is d (days).
##maximal_queue_lifetime = 5d
maximal_queue_lifetime = 1d
## 郵件表頭的大小限制
# The header_size_limit parameter limits the amount of memory in
# bytes used for processing a message header. If a header is larger,
# the remainder of the entire message is treated as message body.
header_size_limit = 1024000
# The line_length_limit parameter limits the amount of memory in
# bytes used for handling input lines. Longer lines are chopped up
# into pieces and reconstructed upon delivery.
line_length_limit = 2048
## 限制每一封單一郵件的大小
# The message_size_limit parameter limits the total size in bytes of
# a message, including envelope information.
# 20MB
message_size_limit = 20480000
## 限制 mailbox 大小或 maildir 中單一檔案的大小
## 事實上就是限制寫到本地磁碟的檔案大小
## 這個設定值必需大於 message_size_limit 的設定
## 所以換而言之,如果是使用 maildir 的話,那麼 message_size_limit 就取代了這個參數的功用
# The mailbox_size_limit parameter controls the maximal size of a
# mailbox or maildir file (in fact, it limits the size of any file
# that is written to upon local delivery) The default is 50 MBytes.
# This limit must not be set smaller than the message size limit.
# 500MB
mailbox_size_limit = 512000000
## 限制一封信同時寄往本機同一個用戶時,此用戶收到同一封信的數量上限
## 但是在 postfix 的 queue manager 的設計上,已經限制同一封信在 local 端轉送時
## 用戶只能收到一封信,所以這個參數目前已經沒有效用了
## 這個參數的預設值 local_destination_recipient_limit = 1
## 你可以試著同時寄給自己正本 me@aaa.bbb 及複本 me@aaa.bbb,你只會收到一封信
# The local_destination_recipient_limit parameter limits the number
# of recipients per local message delivery. The default limit is
# taken from the default_destination_recipient_limit parameter.
# However, the queue manager by design limits the number of recipients
# per local delivery request to exactly 1, so this parameter has no
# effect.
local_destination_recipient_limit = 1000
## 限制一封郵件可同時寄送給幾位收件者
## aliases 或 aliases 的 mail group (例如...用 include 方式) 內延伸的使用者數量,不受此限
# smtpd_recipient_limit (default: 1000)
# The maximal number of recipients that the Postfix SMTP server accepts per message delivery request.
# 一次只能寄給十個收件者
smtpd_recipient_limit = 10
# The default_destination_recipient_limit parameter specifies a
# default limit on the number of recipients per message delivery.
# This is the default limit for delivery via SMTP, via the local
# delivery agent and via the pipe mailer.
default_destination_recipient_limit = 6000
##Mail Server 寄信時,先將信送到 relayhost,再由 relayhost 主機把信寄出去
## 這個參數可以套用在具有內部 Mail Gateway 的內部 Mail Server 主機
# relayhost (default: empty)
# The default host to send non-local mail to when no entry is matched in the optional transport(5)
# table. When no relayhost is given, mail is routed directly to the destination.
# On an intranet, specify the organizational domain name. If your internal DNS uses no MX
# records, specify the name of the intranet gateway host instead.
# In the case of SMTP, specify a domain name, hostname, hostname:port, [hostname]:port,
# [hostaddress] or [hostaddress]:port. The form [hostname] turns off MX lookups.
# If you're connected via UUCP, see the UUCP_README file for useful information.
# Examples:
# relayhost = $mydomain
# relayhost = []
# relayhost = uucphost
# relayhost = [an.ip.add.ress]
relayhost =
## 郵件位置 (@ 後面的 domain),如果查不到 DNS A 或 MX 記錄,就拒絕收信
## 預設伺服器回的錯誤碼為 450
# Reject the request when the sender mail address has no DNS A or MX record.
# The unknown_address_reject_code parameter specifies the response code for rejected
# requests (default: 450). The response is always 450 in case of a temporary DNS error.
smtpd_sender_restrictions = reject_unknown_sender_domain
## 可利用下面的參來決定 reject_unknown_sender_domain 的錯誤碼
unknown_address_reject_code = 530
Mar 26 09:27:37 backup postfix/smtpd[91653]: reject: RCPT from[]: 530: Sender address rejected: Domain not found; from= to=
reject 原因:因 查不到 A 或 MX 記錄,回覆指定錯誤碼 530
## 來源的伺服器 ip 反查,如果查不到 domain,就拒絕收信
## 但很多人在設定 DNS 時都忽略了反解的設定存,因此這個參數常常會導致許多
## 寄給我們的信件會被拒收,因此目前這個參數的實用性不大
## 預設伺服器回的錯誤碼為 450
# Reject the request when the client address to name lookup failed.
# The unknown_client_reject_code parameter specifies the response code to rejected requests (default: 450).
smtpd_sender_restrictions = reject_unknown_client
## 可利用下面的參來決定 reject_unknown_client 的錯誤碼
unknown_client_reject_code = 540
Mar 25 18:39:30 backup postfix/smtpd[73754]: reject: RCPT from unknown[]: 540 Client host rejected: cannot find your hostname, []; from= to=
reject 原因: 反查不到 domain,回覆指定錯誤碼 540
## OPEN RELAY 的主機資料庫,當來源 IP 已被收錄在 ORDB 黑名單中,就拒絕收信
## 預設伺服器回的錯誤碼為 554
# Reject the request when the client network address is listed under any of the domains listed in $maps_rbl_domains.
# The maps_rbl_reject_code parameter specifies the response code for rejected requests (default: 554).
smtpd_sender_restrictions = reject_maps_rbl
## 必需搭配參數 maps_rbl_domains 的設定來使用
maps_rbl_domains =,
Jun 23 00:36:02 backup postfix/smtpd[83746]: reject: RCPT from[]: 554 Service unavailable; [] blocked using, reason: open proxy - see; from= to=
reject 原因:該 ip 在 的黑名單中,回覆預設錯誤碼 554
Jun 23 17:33:12 backup postfix/smtpd[28866]: reject: RCPT from unknown[]: 554 Service unavailable; [] blocked using, reason: This mail was handled by an open relay - please visit; from= to=
reject 原因:該 ip 在 ORDB 的黑名單中,回覆預設錯誤碼 554
## 限制 postfix 同時執行的 process 數
default_process_limit (default: 100)
The default maximal number of Postfix child processes that providea given service. This limit can be overruled for specific servicesin the file.
就會看到最多六個 process,這可以讓系統不那麼忙碌,而且可以保護頻寬不會全部被 Mail Server 吃光.....
postfix smtp 22849 12 udp4 *:2085 *:*
postfix smtp 22848 11 tcp4
postfix smtp 22847 12 udp4 *:2094 *:*
postfix smtp 22846 11 tcp4
postfix smtp 22845 11 tcp4
postfix smtp 22844 12 udp4 *:3422 *:*
##優先使用 /etc/hosts 中的設定
##這在自行架設 Mail Server 測試時,非常好用...
##只要用 /etc/hosts 的設定,就可以不管 dns 了
#smtp_host_lookup (default: dns)
#What mechanisms when the SMTP client uses to look up a host's IP address.
#This parameter is ignored when DNS lookups are disabled.
#Specify one of the following:
#Hosts can be found in the DNS (preferred).
#Use the native naming service only (nsswitch.conf, or equivalent mechanism).
#dns, native
#Use the native service for hosts not found in the DNS.
#This feature is available in Postfix 2.1 and later.
#預設值為 smtp_host_lookup = dns #僅使用 dns 查詢 (即 /etc/resolv.conf 的設定)
smtp_host_lookup = native,dns
$ postconf -d
# The default_destination_concurrency_limit parameter specifies a
# default limit on the number of parallel deliveries to the same
# destination. This is the default limit for delivery via SMTP, via
# the local delivery agent and via the pipe mailer.
default_destination_concurrency_limit = 100
# The default_destination_recipient_limit parameter specifies a
# default limit on the number of recipients per message delivery.
# This is the default limit for delivery via SMTP, via the local
# delivery agent and via the pipe mailer.
default_destination_recipient_limit = 6000
## 對於無法寄出的信件,重新嘗試再寄信的間隔時間
# The maximal_backoff_time parameter specifies the maximal time
# between attempts to deliver a deferred message.
# Time units: s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours), d (days), w (weeks).
# The default time unit is s (seconds).
##maximal_backoff_time = 4000s
maximal_backoff_time = 2000s
## 一封無法寄出的信件在 Mail Server 中 queue 的最長時間
## 如無法送出則退回給寄件者
# The maximal_queue_lifetime parameter specifies the maximal time
# a message is queued before it is sent back as undeliverable.
# Time units: s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours), d (days), w (weeks).
# The default time unit is d (days).
##maximal_queue_lifetime = 5d
maximal_queue_lifetime = 1d
## 郵件表頭的大小限制
# The header_size_limit parameter limits the amount of memory in
# bytes used for processing a message header. If a header is larger,
# the remainder of the entire message is treated as message body.
header_size_limit = 1024000
# The line_length_limit parameter limits the amount of memory in
# bytes used for handling input lines. Longer lines are chopped up
# into pieces and reconstructed upon delivery.
line_length_limit = 2048
## 限制每一封單一郵件的大小
# The message_size_limit parameter limits the total size in bytes of
# a message, including envelope information.
# 20MB
message_size_limit = 20480000
## 限制 mailbox 大小或 maildir 中單一檔案的大小
## 事實上就是限制寫到本地磁碟的檔案大小
## 這個設定值必需大於 message_size_limit 的設定
## 所以換而言之,如果是使用 maildir 的話,那麼 message_size_limit 就取代了這個參數的功用
# The mailbox_size_limit parameter controls the maximal size of a
# mailbox or maildir file (in fact, it limits the size of any file
# that is written to upon local delivery) The default is 50 MBytes.
# This limit must not be set smaller than the message size limit.
# 500MB
mailbox_size_limit = 512000000
## 限制一封信同時寄往本機同一個用戶時,此用戶收到同一封信的數量上限
## 但是在 postfix 的 queue manager 的設計上,已經限制同一封信在 local 端轉送時
## 用戶只能收到一封信,所以這個參數目前已經沒有效用了
## 這個參數的預設值 local_destination_recipient_limit = 1
## 你可以試著同時寄給自己正本 me@aaa.bbb 及複本 me@aaa.bbb,你只會收到一封信
# The local_destination_recipient_limit parameter limits the number
# of recipients per local message delivery. The default limit is
# taken from the default_destination_recipient_limit parameter.
# However, the queue manager by design limits the number of recipients
# per local delivery request to exactly 1, so this parameter has no
# effect.
local_destination_recipient_limit = 1000
## 限制一封郵件可同時寄送給幾位收件者
## aliases 或 aliases 的 mail group (例如...用 include 方式) 內延伸的使用者數量,不受此限
# smtpd_recipient_limit (default: 1000)
# The maximal number of recipients that the Postfix SMTP server accepts per message delivery request.
# 一次只能寄給十個收件者
smtpd_recipient_limit = 10
# The default_destination_recipient_limit parameter specifies a
# default limit on the number of recipients per message delivery.
# This is the default limit for delivery via SMTP, via the local
# delivery agent and via the pipe mailer.
default_destination_recipient_limit = 6000
##Mail Server 寄信時,先將信送到 relayhost,再由 relayhost 主機把信寄出去
## 這個參數可以套用在具有內部 Mail Gateway 的內部 Mail Server 主機
# relayhost (default: empty)
# The default host to send non-local mail to when no entry is matched in the optional transport(5)
# table. When no relayhost is given, mail is routed directly to the destination.
# On an intranet, specify the organizational domain name. If your internal DNS uses no MX
# records, specify the name of the intranet gateway host instead.
# In the case of SMTP, specify a domain name, hostname, hostname:port, [hostname]:port,
# [hostaddress] or [hostaddress]:port. The form [hostname] turns off MX lookups.
# If you're connected via UUCP, see the UUCP_README file for useful information.
# Examples:
# relayhost = $mydomain
# relayhost = []
# relayhost = uucphost
# relayhost = [an.ip.add.ress]
relayhost =
## 郵件位置 (@ 後面的 domain),如果查不到 DNS A 或 MX 記錄,就拒絕收信
## 預設伺服器回的錯誤碼為 450
# Reject the request when the sender mail address has no DNS A or MX record.
# The unknown_address_reject_code parameter specifies the response code for rejected
# requests (default: 450). The response is always 450 in case of a temporary DNS error.
smtpd_sender_restrictions = reject_unknown_sender_domain
## 可利用下面的參來決定 reject_unknown_sender_domain 的錯誤碼
unknown_address_reject_code = 530
Mar 26 09:27:37 backup postfix/smtpd[91653]: reject: RCPT from[]: 530
reject 原因:因 查不到 A 或 MX 記錄,回覆指定錯誤碼 530
## 來源的伺服器 ip 反查,如果查不到 domain,就拒絕收信
## 但很多人在設定 DNS 時都忽略了反解的設定存,因此這個參數常常會導致許多
## 寄給我們的信件會被拒收,因此目前這個參數的實用性不大
## 預設伺服器回的錯誤碼為 450
# Reject the request when the client address to name lookup failed.
# The unknown_client_reject_code parameter specifies the response code to rejected requests (default: 450).
smtpd_sender_restrictions = reject_unknown_client
## 可利用下面的參來決定 reject_unknown_client 的錯誤碼
unknown_client_reject_code = 540
Mar 25 18:39:30 backup postfix/smtpd[73754]: reject: RCPT from unknown[]: 540 Client host rejected: cannot find your hostname, []; from=
reject 原因: 反查不到 domain,回覆指定錯誤碼 540
## OPEN RELAY 的主機資料庫,當來源 IP 已被收錄在 ORDB 黑名單中,就拒絕收信
## 預設伺服器回的錯誤碼為 554
# Reject the request when the client network address is listed under any of the domains listed in $maps_rbl_domains.
# The maps_rbl_reject_code parameter specifies the response code for rejected requests (default: 554).
smtpd_sender_restrictions = reject_maps_rbl
## 必需搭配參數 maps_rbl_domains 的設定來使用
maps_rbl_domains =,
Jun 23 00:36:02 backup postfix/smtpd[83746]: reject: RCPT from[]: 554 Service unavailable; [] blocked using, reason: open proxy - see; from=
reject 原因:該 ip 在 的黑名單中,回覆預設錯誤碼 554
Jun 23 17:33:12 backup postfix/smtpd[28866]: reject: RCPT from unknown[]: 554 Service unavailable; [] blocked using, reason: This mail was handled by an open relay - please visit
reject 原因:該 ip 在 ORDB 的黑名單中,回覆預設錯誤碼 554
## 限制 postfix 同時執行的 process 數
default_process_limit (default: 100)
The default maximal number of Postfix child processes that providea given service. This limit can be overruled for specific servicesin the file.
就會看到最多六個 process,這可以讓系統不那麼忙碌,而且可以保護頻寬不會全部被 Mail Server 吃光.....
postfix smtp 22849 12 udp4 *:2085 *:*
postfix smtp 22848 11 tcp4
postfix smtp 22847 12 udp4 *:2094 *:*
postfix smtp 22846 11 tcp4
postfix smtp 22845 11 tcp4
postfix smtp 22844 12 udp4 *:3422 *:*
##優先使用 /etc/hosts 中的設定
##這在自行架設 Mail Server 測試時,非常好用...
##只要用 /etc/hosts 的設定,就可以不管 dns 了
#smtp_host_lookup (default: dns)
#What mechanisms when the SMTP client uses to look up a host's IP address.
#This parameter is ignored when DNS lookups are disabled.
#Specify one of the following:
#Hosts can be found in the DNS (preferred).
#Use the native naming service only (nsswitch.conf, or equivalent mechanism).
#dns, native
#Use the native service for hosts not found in the DNS.
#This feature is available in Postfix 2.1 and later.
#預設值為 smtp_host_lookup = dns #僅使用 dns 查詢 (即 /etc/resolv.conf 的設定)
smtp_host_lookup = native,dns